Integrative approach

My Integrative approach to counselling enables me to utilise therapeutic interventions from different theoretical sources so that your therapy is tailored to your particular needs.
The two main theoretical approaches that influence my work are Psychodynamic and Person-Centred. I offer a brief description of these two theories so that you can decide if these approaches will benefit you.
Person-Centred approach.
Person-centred counselling believes that all individuals possess the internal resources they need for growth towards reaching their potential in the right environment. However, many of us have had experiences of an environment that stifles this growth, where we might have denied our internal experiences in order to feel acceptable to others.
The Person-Centred counsellor’s offers you unconditional acceptance in a non-judgemental environment/ therapeutic space where you can experience being valued and empathically understood. This therapeutic space allows you to begin to clarify and identify your own values and internal experiences with the aim of helping you grow and change in the ways you want to.
Psychodynamic approach.
One of the main aims of Psychodynamic counselling is to enable you to gain more insight and conscious awareness of how your unconscious motivations/behaviours implemented in childhood could be affecting you in the present. If similar themes and issues seem to be reoccurring in your present life then may be something in your past may need to be resolved. Reflecting on your past experiences in counselling and linking them to your present issues could begin the process of healing old wounds.